Oyate Concern Christian Preschool
Oyate Concern Christian Preschool meets 3 half days a week from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. We are accepting 3 to 5 year olds who are fully potty trained. Children are provided a small breakfast, snack and a sack lunch. Email kathi.dyer@oyateconcern.org for more information about enrolling a student or donating financially.

Blow-Out Kids Club
Blow Out children’s ministry ages 5-11 meets on Tuesday. Transportation is provided. We also provide a Bible teaching, music, drama, and play games in the building in the winter, or outside of a pavilion on our new property in the summer. At the conclusion of every meeting, the children are fed a meal. The objective of this important ministry is to help children build a solid biblical foundation in Jesus Christ, and God’s Word.